Carpets are an essential part of any home or workplace, helping to bring together your décor while ensuring it’s soft and warm underfoot. That means when you drop something or it becomes stained, it’s vital that you act quickly to prevent it from becoming permanently damaged. No matter whether it’s olive, baby or even motor, oil stains on your carpets can be very frustrating and some of the toughest to remove.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the various methods on how to get oil out of carpet and other upholstery. From a fresh spill to stubborn stains, these techniques will help you tackle the toughest of spills and restore your flooring to its former glory.

How to Remove Oil Stains from Carpet – Easy & Effective Tips

Gather the essentials

When it comes to knowing how to get olive oil out of a carpet or any other kind of oil stain, the first step is to make sure that you have everything you need. There are lots of DIY home cleaning tips that you can utilise, and some of the key items to keep in your cleaning cupboard:

  • Baking soda
  • Washing up liquid
  • Mild detergent
  • White vinegar
  • Paper towels
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Vacuum cleaner

With these materials, you will be able to remove some of the most common types of oil stains from your carpets and upholstery.

Gather the essentials

How to get oil stains out of your carpet

Once you have all of the materials and cleaning products you need, it’s time to start turning your attention to getting rid of those oil stains on your carpet. No matter what type of oil it might be, from olive oil to baby oil, the process is very similar:

Step one: Act quickly and blot the stain

If left untreated, oil stains can spread and seep deep into carpet fibres, making them harder to remove. As soon as you notice the stain, grab a clean paper towel, cloth or uncoloured kitchen towel and blot the stain gently, without rubbing, to absorb as much oil as possible.

Make sure you are working from the edges of the stain towards the centre to prevent it from spreading. Always avoid using a scrubbing motion, as this can push the oil deeper into the fibres.

Step two: Apply an absorbent powder

Once you’ve blotted as much oil as possible, sprinkle an absorbent powder such as bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) onto the stained area. These substances work to soak up any residual oil trapped in the carpet fibres.

Leave the powder on the stain for at least 15-30 minutes to give it time to absorb the oil. For particularly stubborn stains, you can gently work the powder into the carpet using a soft-bristled brush. If you’re in a hurry, a vacuum with a powerful suction setting can help remove the powder quickly once it has set. Just make sure to avoid over-saturating the carpet with powder; just enough to cover the stain is sufficient.

Step three: Clean with a liquid solution

After vacuuming or shaking off the powder, create a cleaning solution to target the remaining stain. Mix a tablespoon of washing-up liquid with a small amount of warm water and use a sponge or soft cloth to dab the solution onto the stained area, applying light pressure to lift the oil out.

Rinse the cloth with warm water regularly to avoid spreading the oil back onto the carpet. Once the stain has been worked on thoroughly, blot the area with a fresh, damp cloth to remove any soapy residue.

Before you start dabbing the solution onto your carpet, test it on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn’t discolour the fibres.

Step four: Dry and restore

Use a clean, dry towel, press firmly on the cleaned area to absorb any excess moisture and then let the carpet air dry completely. Once dry, vacuum the area to restore the carpet’s texture and fluff up any flattened fibres.

You can speed up the drying process by opening your windows (if it’s a warm day) or using a fan. Make sure that no one in your household walks over the carpet until it is completely dry.

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How to get oil stains out of your carpet

How to handle specific types of oil stains

While the above strategies are very effective when it comes to knowing how to get oil stains out of a carpet, certain oils require a unique approach.

How to get olive oil out of carpet

When it comes to olive oil stains should be blotted immediately and treated with baking soda, which will absorb any excess. Leave this on the stain for an hour before vacuuming the particles up. Then scrub lightly with a solution of dishwashing liquid and warm water before letting air dry.

How to get baby oil out of carpet

Baby oil can also be treated with baking soda, but if it has soaked in, then consider using a mix of water and dish soap or water and white vinegar. Rinse the region with a damp cloth and then blot dry with a paper towel.

How to remove coconut oil stains

Coconut oil stains can be very stubborn due to the oil’s solid nature at cooler temperatures. In this instance, gently scrape away and solidified oil before applying baking soda to absorb the remaining residue. If it is still in liquid form, use baking soda to soak up as much as possible before vacuuming the region and using a solution of dish detergent and warm water to blot the stain until it is clear.

How to get grease out of carpet

To remove grease from carpet, start by blotting the area with a clean cloth or paper towel to soak up as much as possible. Then, sprinkle some baking soda over the region and leave for thirty minutes before vacuuming thoroughly. If the stain remains, use washing-up liquid and warm water to lift the grease.

How to clean cooking oil from carpet

Cooking oil is one of the most common types of carpet stain. In these instances, baking soda can be very effective at absorbing the oil and following it with a mix of dish soap can remove the remaining residue.

Removing oil stains from upholstery and other materials

The methods used for getting oil out of carpets can also be used on clothes, upholstery and other fabrics. To get oil out of upholstery, use a mild detergent and water solution, taking care to not damage the fabric and ensuring you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

For clothing, applying a mix of water and dish soap to the stain and letting it sit for a few minutes will lift oil from the fabric. Then, launder the garment as normal.

You can also read: Carpet Cleaning Ideas Given By Professional Cleaners



Accidents can happen to the best of us, no matter how careful we are. However, knowing how to get oil stains out of your carpet doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Acting quickly and following the techniques mentioned above can help you to prevent major stains from causing damage or resulting in permanent discolouration.

For more stubborn stains, like automotive grease or engine oil, then it might be wise to use a degreaser, commercial cleaner or professional carpet cleaning to ensure you are able to fully eradicate the stain.

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