Carpets are a great way to make your home feel warm and cosy, but keeping them clean and stain-free is essential to ensuring your rooms continue to look their best. Any kind of stain can be frustrating, but grease stains, in particular, can be one of the toughest to remove.

Whether it’s a kitchen mishap, dropped plate or DIY spill, you need to act fast when it comes to grease stains. In this latest blog, we explore some of the best DIY stain removal methods for keeping your carpets looking their best.

How to Remove Grease Stains from Carpet - Best DIY Cleaning Methods

Why grease stains can be tough to remove

Any kind of stain can be tough to remove, but grease stains are notoriously hard to clean up. As grease is typically made up of hydrophobic fats and oils, meaning they repel water. This makes them very hard to remove with water-based home cleaning tools, as the water is unable to break down and dissolve the grease as it does with other stains.

Not only does it have hydrophobic properties, but once grease comes into contact with your carpets, it has a tendency to cling to the fibres, penetrating deeply into the carpet. As it soaks in, it binds with the dust and dirt, making the stain tougher to lift the longer it’s left.

Methods for removing grease stains from your carpets

Methods for removing grease stains from your carpets

When it comes to carpet cleaning, there are lots of DIY stain removal methods to choose from, depending on the severity of the stain. However, due to the complex nature of grease, you need to adopt a slightly different approach to tackle your stains.

Some of the most effective ways to restore your stained carpets are:

Baking Soda:

Baking soda, or if you don’t have that cornstarch, can be just as effective; it is a very effective method for absorbing grease before it has time to soak deeper into the carpet fibres. To begin with, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda directly on the grease stain and let it sit for around twenty minutes.

These powders are highly absorbent, and leaving them for this long will ensure there is enough time to lift the grease away from the fibres without the need for moisture. After twenty minutes, vacuum up the powder.

Dish Soap

Another great method for getting rid of grease stains from your carpet is a solution of dish soap and water. While water alone cannot remove grease, dish soap is very effective at cutting through it thanks to it containing surfactants that break the grease down.

Take a clean cloth, dip it into the solution and gently blot the grease stain, taking care not to smudge it further. Blot the area dry to absorb any excess moisture and repeat the steps as necessary until the stain is fully removed.

White vinegar and water

Another fantastic DIY stain removal tip for removing grease stains from your carpets is to use a mixture of white vinegar and water. Vinegar is not only capable of breaking down the molecules in grease, making it easier to remove, but it also helps to deodorise the carpet at the same time.

Using the same strategy as with dish soap, mix white vinegar with warm water and transfer it to a spray bottle. Lightly spray the stained area and let the solution sit for ten minutes so the vinegar can get to work. After this time, blot the area with a clean cloth to lift the stain before rinsing it with water and blotting it dry.

Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is an essential addition to anyone’s home cleaning armoury. This powerful tool helps to dissolve grease and other oil-based stains without leaving moisture behind. This helps to remove the stain while minimising the risk of further dirt accumulation.

To begin with, dampen a clean cloth with the rubbing alcohol and gently blot the grease strain. Be careful not to saturate the carpet, as this can cause long-term damage. The alcohol will evaporate quickly, and if the stain is still there, repeat the process until your carpets return to their former glory.

Commercial carpet cleaner

For particularly tough and stubborn stains, then opting for a commercial carpet cleaner that is specifically designed for grease and oil stains might be your best option. These professional products contain powerful ingredients that are designed to break oil and grease down, making them highly effective for the toughest of stains.

When using these products, be sure to always follow the instructions on the label closely. It’s wise to test them first on a small part of the carpet that is hidden or out of sight to ensure there is no bleaching or damage.


WD-40 is another surprisingly effective solution for removing grease stains from carpets. This multi-purpose lubricant can break down grease and oil, making it easier to lift from carpet fibres.

To start, spray a small amount of WD-40 directly onto the grease stain and let it sit for 5–10 minutes. Then, blot the area with a clean cloth to lift the grease. Once the stain is gone, clean the area with a solution of dish soap and warm water to remove any WD-40 residue. Rinse with clean water and blot dry with a towel.

Top tips for DIY stain removal

Top tips for DIY stain removal

These five home cleaning methods can be very effective at getting grease stains out of your carpets, but when tackling stubborn stains there are a few key tips that you should keep in mind.

Act quickly

The quicker you address a stain, the easier it will be to remove. Leaving them lets the grease and oil soak into the carpet fibres and mix with the dirt that’s naturally present. This makes them far more stubborn and difficult to lift.

Blot don’t rub

One of the most important tips when tackling any kind of stain in your home is to remember to blot the area, not rub. Scrubbing it can spread the grease further into your carpet’s fibres, making the stain larger and far harder to clean.

Instead, take a clean paper towel or cloth and press it into the stain, letting it absorb as much of the grease as possible. Repeat this process as frequently as you need.

Test in an inconspicuous spot

The last thing that you want is for your chosen carpet cleaning method to cause further marking. That is why you should always test your preferred cleaning solution on a hidden section of the carpet to ensure it doesn’t cause discolouration or damage.

Work from the outside in

When tackling grease stains, make sure that you start cleaning from the outside edges and slowly work your way towards the centre. This will help to ensure that the stain doesn’t end up spreading outward or become larger.

Avoid over-saturating

Too much moisture can damage your carpet fibres, and over-saturating the stained area could lead to mould and mildew. If you do add too much water, then be sure to blot the area dry as quickly as possible with paper towels and let the area dry completely.

Need help with your home cleaning

Need help with your home cleaning?

Are you facing stubborn grease stains? Do you need support with home cleaning? Whatever your cleaning needs might be, our team here at ProLux Cleaning is here to help you! We’ve been working with commercial and residential clients across London since 2012, and our specialist approach and expertise can help you keep your property looking its best.

We pride ourselves on our comprehensive approach, going above and beyond to ensure we always meet your cleaning needs. Want to find out more? Get in touch today!