Prolux Cleaning Blog

How long does carpet cleaning take Banner

Regular carpet cleaning is crucial to prevent dirt, mould, and other contaminants from building up and reducing the quality of your living environment. However, deep-cleaning the carpet is no one’s favourite chore. One of the most challenging parts of a thorough carpet-clean is the amount of time it takes.

how to clean carpet without a machine banner

Cleaning your carpet is a must to keep your home looking fresh and healthy. From extending your carpet’s lifespan to improving your home’s air quality and getting rid of tough stains, there are endless benefits to a clean carpet, but figuring out how to clean a carpet without a machine is a challenge many homeowners face.

Stairs Carpet Cleaning London

Keeping your carpeted stairs clean should be a priority to maintaining your home’s overall appearance. However, determining how to clean carpet on stairs is challenging for many homeowners, especially when stubborn dirt and tough stains seem impossible to remove.

How to Clean Your Carpet Edges

Picture this: you move into a new home, and all is fine and dandy for the first few months. Eventually, the carpet needs cleaning, as the dust and dirt always build up. But then you notice that the dirtiest part of the carpet is actually in the corners and edges of the room. No matter how hard you try, it won’t budge – so what do we do from here on out?